Wet Day Cycle

We have been fairly spoiled in terms of wet days to fine days this year. We have lived through a few thunderous nights but generally the weather has not trapped us indoors, as there has always been a break in the downpour at some stage.

Today in Canterbury this generalisation does not ring true. Rain is raining and has been ever since we opened our eyes. Peter put his coat on to empty the waste water but I have not stepped out. It is now late in the day.

When I look out at the other RVs and caravans it looks like everybody else has hunkered down through these hours as well. I haven’t caught a glance of any other living person or dog all day. 

Personally I  have enjoyed the hunkering. I have had no desire to walk in the rain or be sociable at any time today. The rain has released me from exercise and oral communication. I could, if I had wanted to, have done a few squats in the caravan or talked to Peter. But I haven’t wanted to. I have had enough going on. I have read, written, watched, made, cooked and eaten throughout the rainset hours. Day 1 of this situation hasn’t been that dreary despite the view out the window.

I am not sure however how long this cycle that has so happily sustained me today can last. 

Humans need human contact and interaction for mental wellbeing. I understand that.

So neighbours and Peter be wary if the rain continues tomorrow: I am probably coming over.