Scars, we all have them!

Whenever I wanted children in my class to feel relaxed and chat together I just asked them who had a story about their scars. Everybody has a story to tell about some deformity on their body, likewise with caravans.

Someone had to be the first to scar the caravan and thankfully it wasn’t me. It might have been nice to have kept our caravan in a pristine condition longer than twelve hours, but that was not to be. The very first day we took possession of our future home it incurred a long scratch down the side and one of the side-covers was ripped off.

In all truthfulness it felt like the gate’s fault. Driveways should not be built with gates widely angled at the start and then sloping inwards, especially when new caravan drivers are coming. 

Peter was understandably a bit distraught. However someone had to put the first scratch on the beast and I was just glad it wasn’t me.

Just like someone had to be the first to forget to wind up a leg and get it ripped off.