
Coming to a camp and shouting ourselves a few days, or in this case weeks, on a powered site feels like a bit of a luxury. 

It is great to be able to plug any device in and charge the same devices up at any time. On one of our solar panel days nothing beeped or hissed at all all day, due to fog. So the luxury of a powered site is that Peter can relax. Water can be pumped at any time, the T.V. plays and the gas lasts longer. Also powered sites usually have wastewater disposal drains close at hand. So that is another luxury, not having to go anywhere to get rid of our grey and black water. The heater roars and we are happy.

There are some luxuries in this life though that are not dependent on any form of manmade power. We don’t have a garden to sit in however we consider all the space around us and beyond as ours. We sit in it often and watch as the lawns get mowed, shrubs pruned and paths swept. We don’t have a say about these things but not having to make decisions concerning property is a bit of a luxury too. Building maintenance that concerns us now is just this 8×2 rectangle. 

We do have the luxury also of changing the outside scene as we wish. Sometimes we like to be stationary for a week or more but it is nice to change the vista. So travelling days become exciting. We don’t know where we might end up or which bit of the earth will be ours for a wee while. 

Next week we are house sitting. I hope the luxuries in the house do not make me want to rewrite the words above.

1 thought on “Luxuries”

  1. Sounds idyllic, but I would miss my vege garden, and my shed, and my wood lathe. I would most likely spend my free time annoying my wife in some way or other, and that would lead to disaster.

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