
Awnings continued

I know the last two pieces have been about awnings but the topic isn’t finished yet. Awnings is a topic many caravanners and R.V. owners have a penchant to discuss. They have either had good or horrendous stories which they want to share. In the past I have had a penchant to swear when I

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fI vowed silently to myself (vowing out loud may have meant I would have had to do it) that I would do ‘my bit’ when living in the caravan. I decided internally that I would learn how this caravan operated as much as my husband. I talked sternly to myself about taking an interest in

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As landings go it was exactly like a hard landing that Soviet and American space rockets experienced in many of their moon landings. In early flights these two countries had deliberately crash landed on the moon for experimental reasons. On our first relocation to another camp Peter crash landed the caravan but not by design,

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We have been living in a caravan for over two years now. We have unshackled ourselves from the mortgage, the house, rates and suburbia, but are we free. Friends tell us we are living the dream. Surely this must mean we are free. Free from what though. We sometimes still have cranky neighbours. We still

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