Miriam H.


Summer is coming. It has been for a while, although it has had moments of hesitation. Now however it, the summer I mean, has just about gathered itself together and it feels like it might produce a concentrated front from now on. We, in our caravan life, are determined to beat the heat. There is

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Cooking Verbs

On  a powered site in our caravan we can grill, microwave, fry, roast, boil, bake and barbecue. We are not lost for equipment. We can cook in many ways. The caravan, although only containing a small work space, does not prevent food preparation and creation. However I am loath to say culinary masterpieces have been

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It seems New Zealand is heading towards a gas crisis. The gas fields do not harbor infinite amounts. This fact is worrying. Regardless of New Zealand’s industries etc gas is especially necessary for us! The life that we lead depends very much on what comes out of that round bottle.  Which is why we felt

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Wet Day Cycle

We have been fairly spoiled in terms of wet days to fine days this year. We have lived through a few thunderous nights but generally the weather has not trapped us indoors, as there has always been a break in the downpour at some stage. Today in Canterbury this generalisation does not ring true. Rain

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Postal Address 

Like seafarers this life on the road feels like we have left the landlubbers behind. We look out into the distance horizon and imagine the adventures that await. However, government agencies don’t care about our long distance glances. They don’t care about our free spirits. They want us to have a postal address. They want

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Coming to a camp and shouting ourselves a few days, or in this case weeks, on a powered site feels like a bit of a luxury.  It is great to be able to plug any device in and charge the same devices up at any time. On one of our solar panel days nothing beeped

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Springfield NZ

As we are staying at the camp here for a wee while I thought I would write about Springfield NZ. I say Springfield NZ  and not just Springfield as this small, small town has aligned itself with a much bigger player in the United States. There must be some quirky characters around here, with tongue-in-cheek

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Many people, well a few, have given me a bit of credence for being intrepid. I don’t deserve a lot of congratulation for that attribute. What I have done at this stage in my life, although it might seem fearless, is fairly carefully thought out. Peter and I aren’t travelling through jungles or deserts. We

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