Liking the Country

As this blog is now more of a travel journal my twitterings are going to be of what I observe around the country.

Caravanning does put you in touch with the country. I mean literally the dirt, the stones and the grasses that make up the countryside. Sometimes when you step out in the morning you tread on gravel, sometimes dirt or mud but often it is grass. Nature is under your foot from the get go. I like this.

I have however had to ignore this same countryside being dragged into the caravan, as it can’t be helped that some of it sticks to your shoe on entering. Caravanning doesn’t mean I have become more slovenly. It just means I sweep more but it’s not such a large area.

I was amazed on our recent trip to Oxford in the UK that the community there has let the countryside take over. The burns and sides of the roads are never mown. Everywhere you look there is long grass. Inbetween the beautiful wee cottages and tutor houses etc. is long grass. It looks untidy but apparently the grass is left for the bees and birds to feed on. Again, although not appreciating the look this gives the towns and highways, I like this.

We are fortunate in New Zealand to have so much green space. Feeding the bees and birds is not such a problem. Towns we have travelled through in the North Island seem to take pride in neat edges and short back-and-sides everywhere along roads and streets. Contradictory I like this too.